


How to make it possible that members in a group can view each other's issues and members outside the group not

Added by Wil Veenstra about 12 years ago

The goal is that we use a support website for our customers.
These customers all have the most projects in common.
We put the employees of these customers in their own group, like:
  • Customer A
    User A1
    User A2
  • Customer B
    User B1
    User B2

User A1 en A2 should see each other's issues, but not the one's from Customer B.
User B1 en B2 should see each other's issues, but not the one's from Customer A.

I hope someone has a solution, because we are desperately looking how we can manage this.
I was hoping for something in the Roles with Issues visibility like:
Issues created by or assigned to the group.

Replies (2)

RE: How to make it possible that members in a group can view each other's issues and members outside the group not - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

Make issues private, only allow users to see issues that are assigned to them, assign to their group.

Should work.

RE: How to make it possible that members in a group can view each other's issues and members outside the group not - Added by Wil Veenstra about 12 years ago

Thank you for replying William,

You mean setting Set issues public or private in the Issue tracking of the Roles but .....
then the user has to set the issue private or not.
We don't want that. We want to that from the administration. It should be forced.

