


500 internal error issues

Added by Kelly Goedert about 12 years ago


I am using redmine 2.0.3 and some of my project issues when clicked show me a 500 internal error. Looking at the logs I see this messages

Rendered issues/_action_menu.html.erb (5.4ms)
Rendered issues/show.html.erb within layouts/base (11.4ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 341ms

ActionView::Template::Error (Mysql::Error: Column 'lft' in order clause is ambiguous: SELECT `issues`.`id` AS t0_r0, `issues`.`tracker_id` AS t0_r1, `issues`.`project_id` AS t0_r2, `issues`.`subject` AS t0_r3, `issues`.`description` AS t0_r4, `issues`.`due_date` AS t0_r5, `issues`.`category_id` AS t0_r6, `issues`.`status_id` AS t0_r7, `issues`.`assigned_to_id` AS t0_r8, `issues`.`priority_id` AS t0_r9, `issues`.`fixed_version_id` AS t0_r10, `issues`.`author_id` AS t0_r11, `issues`.`lock_version` AS t0_r12, `issues`.`created_on` AS t0_r13, `issues`.`updated_on` AS t0_r14, `issues`.`start_date` AS t0_r15, `issues`.`done_ratio` AS t0_r16, `issues`.`estimated_hours` AS t0_r17, `issues`.`parent_id` AS t0_r18, `issues`.`root_id` AS t0_r19, `issues`.`lft` AS t0_r20, `issues`.`rgt` AS t0_r21, `issues`.`is_private` AS t0_r22, `issues`.`position` AS t0_r23, `issues`.`remaining_hours` AS t0_r24, `issues`.`story_points` AS t0_r25, `projects`.`id` AS t1_r0, `projects`.`name` AS t1_r1, `projects`.`description` AS t1_r2, `projects`.`homepage` AS t1_r3, `projects`.`is_public` AS t1_r4, `projects`.`parent_id` AS t1_r5, `projects`.`created_on` AS t1_r6, `projects`.`updated_on` AS t1_r7, `projects`.`identifier` AS t1_r8, `projects`.`status` AS t1_r9, `projects`.`lft` AS t1_r10, `projects`.`rgt` AS t1_r11 FROM `issues` LEFT OUTER JOIN `projects` ON `projects`.`id` = `issues`.`project_id` WHERE `issues`.`root_id` = 223 AND (`issues`.`lft` <= 14 AND `issues`.`rgt` >= 15) AND (`issues`.id != 230) AND (projects.status=1 AND IN (SELECT em.project_id FROM enabled_modules em WHERE'issue_tracking')) ORDER BY `lft`):
22: <%= avatar(, :size => "50") >
24: <div class="subject">
25: <
= render_issue_subject_with_tree(@issue) >
26: </div>
27: <p class="author">
28: <
= authoring @issue.created_on, %>.
app/helpers/issues_helper.rb:66:in `render_issue_subject_with_tree'
app/views/issues/show.html.erb:25:in `_app_views_issues_show_html_erb__1445535340_70236311509160'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:118:in `show'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:115:in `show'

Can somebody help?



Replies (4)

RE: 500 internal error issues - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

The problem is the ORDER BY `lft` part, because it's missing its alias. There are 2 columns called 'lft', one in issues, and one in projects and the database engine can't decide which of both to use for the order clause...

Do you have any plugins installed recently? Did it work before? Did you change something recently?

RE: 500 internal error issues - Added by Steve F. about 12 years ago

added new 'Milestones' plugin

then it started

RE: 500 internal error issues - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

Does everything work again if you remove said plugin?

RE: 500 internal error issues - Added by Steve F. about 12 years ago

fixed by author in latest version
