


email configuration - Ubuntu 12.04 and Redmine 1.4.3 stable

Added by A Hessman about 12 years ago

I have been trying to get my install of Redmine to work with the directions found at:

I configured a very simple SMTP definition in configuration.yml (in /redmine/config/ ) and commented everything else out, then deleted it, to read:

delivery_method: :smtp
authentication: :none
address: <address>
port: <port>

I restarted apache, since I have yet to find a command line option to restart redmine separately (the documentation mentions restarting 'the server').

From the command line on this server, I am able to telnet <address> <port> and HELO, I get a happy 250 Hello.

On the Settings -> Email Notifications tab, I continue to see:

Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled.
Configure your SMTP server in /etc/redmine/<instance>/configuration.yml and restart the application to enable them.

Please help, I'd like to start using this soon, but I need to work out the email configuration first. I haven't even tried to get the incoming mail working yet, but I'd like that as well

Replies (5)

RE: email configuration - Ubuntu 12.04 and Redmine 1.4.3 stable - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

A Hessman wrote:

Ubuntu 12.04

OMG, sorry for not actually looking at the subject line :-0
Err, well, yes... I'll help you to track that problem down.
How well do you know Linux? I'll adjust my instructions to your lvl of knowledge...

RE: email configuration - Ubuntu 12.04 and Redmine 1.4.3 stable - Added by A Hessman about 12 years ago

Varies according to the topic. I'll ask you to clarify if you ask me to do / explain something I don't understand.

RE: email configuration - Ubuntu 12.04 and Redmine 1.4.3 stable - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

All right then :-)

First of all, we make sure that your machine can get emails out to your provider.

  • What MTA do you use? There's sendmail, exim, qmail, postfix, ... IIRC postfix is the default MTA in Ubuntu.
  • Can you send emails from the commandline (and do you receive them)? (
  • Do you use passenger (aka mod_rails)?

My config is this, note the different sequence, you have auth and domain before smtp_settings...

    delivery_method: :smtp
      port: 25
      authentication: :none
