


Changesets not showing

Added by Carsten Schurig about 16 years ago

Since updating to 0.8.0rc1 (actually SVN trunk version 0.8.0.devel.2110) I can no longer see all SVN revisions on the global activity page! Just revisions before a certain date are shown. There seems to be nothing special about the revision where the list stops neither to the next one. With redmine rev 2082 all revisions until today have been shown. I even tried to rebuild the changeset/changes table to no success. Only the listing on the activity page seems to be broken. The repository can be browsed and information about relations between tickets and revisions are shown correctly.

Looking at the activity pages of projects and sub projects I have the impression it has something to do with our repository/project structure. Basically we have one big repository. There everything is located in a structure und BASE_URL like:

- internal
  \ branches
  \ tags
  \ trunk
- customerA
  \ project1
    \ branches
    \ tags
  \ project2
    \ ...
  \ ...
- customerB
  \ ...

Then we have one big internal project with the repostitory URL set to BASE_URL. For each customerX we have a project customerX with the repository URL set to BASE_URL/customerX and then a few sub project with repository URLs set to BASE_URL/customerX/projectY. Until now this worked as expected...

For the sub projects all activities are shown correctly but for the main project and for the overall activity page not everything is listed.

The logs don't show anything enlightening. No errors at all...

Replies (1)

RE: Changesets not showing - Added by Carsten Schurig about 16 years ago

After a while all healed itself.
