


Filter on issue id in query

Added by Gurvan Le Dromaguet about 12 years ago


I have a lot of users requesting to be able to list issues based on a list of ids.
Thing is that's the way they've been working with former GNATS system for years.
I was surprised I did not find anything related to this in forum/issues.
I know we can access an issue by typing the id in the "search" toolbox, and that we have a patch available to do this via REST api (
But what I need is to have a filter "Issue id" in the queries that allow to set a list of ids, something like "8050,8051,80503".

Has anyone else expressed the need for this ? Did I miss a way to do it ?


Replies (1)

RE: Filter on issue id in query - Added by Cheyenne Wills about 12 years ago

I have users also asking for the exact same function
