


Manually associate git revisions from an issue

Added by C Tibirna almost 12 years ago


This is about Redmine 2.1 (although I would have expected that what I want to do worked already in 1.4).

How does one associate manually an already existing git revision to an issue? E.g., in my project qgit, I would like that rev 6e4ce58e appear listed as associated revision in

I know about Redmine's issue #2009, but I don't seem to understand how is it supposed to work for revisions (I get the appropriate thing if I try to associate another issue, though).


Replies (4)

RE: Manually associate git revisions from an issue - Added by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 12 years ago

You have to add the relation to the issue from the changeset view.
If you're allowed to do so, you should see a "Add" link in the "Related issues" section on the changeset view.

RE: Manually associate git revisions from an issue - Added by C Tibirna almost 12 years ago

Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:

You have to add the relation to the issue from the changeset view.

Wow! How could I have missed this...

Thanks a lot, M. Lang. And, of course, thanks for the great tool that is redmine.

RE: Manually associate git revisions from an issue - Added by C Tibirna almost 12 years ago

Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:

Nice theme BTW!

It's the Highrise theme from the redmine themes list. It was created by Kiril Bezrukov. Il like it a lot thanks to the vertical menu.
