


I admit it, I suck at installing Redmine2 on Debian Squeeze :(

Added by alaca kala almost 12 years ago


I have been trying to install on Debian last 2 -3 days. Now I was able install and use it with webrick with the help from Etienne. However I am trying to run it under Apache. And I tried at least 30 different tutorials and information on various web sites. I realize that all those tuts were done for past versions of Redmine, Apache, Ruby, Rake, Passenger etc.

At the moment I think that I have installed everything (as described) , however when I open my redmine page, it just stalls there (meaning that no page shows up, no errors showss up, only white page). The browser keeps saying waiting for ...server.. It looks like they spawn the redmine page and use almost %100 of the cpu

28270 www-data  20   0  142M 87096  2996 R 45.0  8.4 27:05.77 Passenger ApplicationSpawner: /var/www/redmineII
24598 www-data  20   0  142M 15548  2972 R 37.0  1.5 38:10.57 Passenger ApplicationSpawner: /var/www/redmineII
31116 www-data  20   0  131M 83372  3064 R 37.0  8.1 19:43.46 Passenger ApplicationSpawner: /var/www/redmineII


and here it another process

6986 root      20   0 65016 31788  9864 S  0.0  3.1  0:02.67 ruby /usr/local/rvm/gems/rbx-head/gems/passenger-3.0.17/helper-scripts/passenger-spawn-server

So it seems like the passenger works but not sure

I installed Ruby through Rvm because Debain`s own packages are quite old.

I installed passenger with "gem install passenger" then I installed the apache module which looked like everythign went fine. Then I I used the information that the installer spitted out for creating the apache module and the conf then I enabled the passenger module.

The only thing I see in the apache error log is thsi line right around when the Passenger starts

"SignalHandler::stop_thread failed to write: Bad file descriptor
SignalHandler::stop_thread failed to write: Bad file descriptor

I cannot be sure but it might be related.

Now I am not a Ruby developer at all in fact my knowledge of Ruby is 0 to none. I am just trying to use Redmine like everyone else :) I had been using 1x without any issues until I decided that it was time to upgrade.

Please let me know what else I can provide to determine the issue.

Debian Squeeze
rubinius 2.0.0dev (1.8.7 24adadfa yyyy-mm-dd JI) [i686-pc-linux-gnu]

Redmine version 2.1.0.devel
Ruby version 1.8.7 (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
Rails version 3.2.8
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Redmine plugins:
no plugin installed


Replies (1)

RE: I admit it, I suck at installing Redmine2 on Debian Squeeze :( - Added by Juan Kinunt almost 12 years ago

Your problem seems not a Redmine problem but a Mod_Rails problem. Review Passenger documentation in order to be able to setup Apache with Mod_Rails and then just point to the folder public on Redmine in Apache config files after following Redmine installation steps.
