


Email notifications of new tickets to an external address? How?

Added by Dave Shevett almost 12 years ago

So we're so close on implementing our Redmine installation, this last problem has us really stumped, and it should be so simple.

We have a submission address we use for all 'inbound' tickets into our organization. This is an IMAP mailbox that we're using the cron task to pull from. Everytyhing is working perfectly - when we submit mail to that address, the cron job picks up the mail, creates a new ticket, and emails the submitter with the details of the ticket.


What we also want to have happen is a copy of that 'ticket created' mail be sent to our operations team ("HEY GUYS, SOMEONE JUST CREATED A TICKET!").

I can find no way to do this.

Now, here's what we've tried and why they don't work.
1) The submission address should be an alias, with a Cc to a distribution list the operators are on.
-- No, this won't work because the submitted entry won't have all the ticket information in it, like a link to the ticket

2) Just create a dummy user, put them on the project, and have 'notifications' turned on to the distribution list
-- Close, but no banana. A) there's no way to tell Redmine 'just show me when a ticket is created'. B) there's no way to 'assign' a ticket to the dummy user in the IMAP interface. This was VERY close to working, but without that 'assignment' option, we can't say "okay, all new tickets are assigned to the dummy user, and when someone picks it up, it won't be assigned to them anymore.

3) Have every user subscribe to activity on the project, they'll see the creates.
-- And they'll also see all the other changes to that ticket as well, when soemoen else on the team is makign changes to the ticket.

All we want is the 'create' email sent to an outside address.

How do we accomplish this?

Replies (5)

RE: Email notifications of new tickets to an external address? How? - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth almost 12 years ago

Actually there's a way to do that but it's a redmine-wide option for mail notifications. You can say you want mail sent just for "Issue creation" but not for "Issue notes". Not a good fit if you have different needs (you want clients to receieve notifications on updates for instance).

Anyway, Redmine doesn't do what you need directly, but I don't think it would be so hard to create a plugin that observe ticket creation and then send an email to your operations team. If you don't have much rails skills, you might be able to contact a freelance developer who would do exactly that for a few hundred bucks.

RE: Email notifications of new tickets to an external address? How? - Added by Artur M almost 12 years ago

Dave Shevett wrote:

What we also want to have happen is a copy of that 'ticket created' mail be sent to our operations team ("HEY GUYS, SOMEONE JUST CREATED A TICKET!").

I don't use tickets so there's the risk that I am not understanding what you want to achieve. I think there are ways of doing that via redmine and cron command settings but if the only thing you want is the alert why not use a browser plugin like Redmine Issues Checker for Chrome? If you prefer a copy of the e-mail, why not configure the server to send to the support team a copy of every mail received for that address?

For redmine I can't test this now but I think that if you create a permanent Project, add the support team redmine user as a member to that project and set the command of cron to that fixed project ID (ID not name, get it from the URL) and also assign every task to that same redmine user, he will receive a copy of each new ticket by e-mail.

Let me know if it worked for you.

RE: Email notifications of new tickets to an external address? How? - Added by Dave Shevett almost 12 years ago

Hi Artur - thanks for the input, but both solutions you describe I've addressed above. Neither result in a workable situation (the first one means the mail sent to the team doesn't include the link to the ticket, the second is impossible because you can't set a default assignee on the cron job.

RE: Email notifications of new tickets to an external address? How? - Added by Artur M almost 12 years ago


It is working here with e-mails sent from users authorized to create issues.

- Create a project. Call it Support (or other name).
- Add Members (users who will receive notifications of new issues)
- Take note of the Identifier
- in the cron rake command line add project=[Identifier]

Every time you (or any other user authorized to create issues) send an e-mail to the correct e-mail address, a new issue is created in the Support project and the Members of the project do receive a notification by e-mail with a link to the Issue. If you want that no redmine users can also create issues, use a mail form in a way that mail is sent From an authorized user. And with a form you can do a lot of things more because in the rake command you can add allow_override of project,tracker,status,priority,assigned_to,etc and these fields can be set hidden in the mail form.


RE: Email notifications of new tickets to an external address? How? - Added by Volker Stolz over 10 years ago

Dave, I have exactly the same need -- I'd like to post new tickets to a mailing-list which is disjoint from the list of actual members in that project.

Did you find a solution? I'd be willing to look into the plugin-mechanism to somehow hook this in…
