


Сyclic recursion redirects

Added by Aleksei Motsik over 12 years ago


After migrating from 1.3.2 to 2.1.2 I see that problem:
Can't load a page of redmine, because of "Сyclic recursion redirects".

Here is a LOG of attempt right after server start:

Started GET "/projects/igp" for at Thu Oct 18 17:19:07 +0300 2012
Processing by ProjectsController#show as HTML
  Parameters: {"id"=>"igp"}
  Current user: anonymous
Redirected to
Filter chain halted as :check_if_login_required rendered or redirected
Completed 302 Found in 212ms (ActiveRecord: 12.8ms)

Started GET "/login?back_url=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.5.12%3A3000%2Fprojects%2Figp" for at Thu Oct 18 17:19:08 +0300 2012
Processing by AccountController#login as HTML
  Parameters: {"back_url"=>""}
  Current user: anonymous
Redirected to
Filter chain halted as :check_if_login_required rendered or redirected
Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)

Started GET "/login?back_url=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.5.12%3A3000%2Flogin%3Fback_url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252F192.168.5.12%253A3000%252Fprojects%252Figp" for at Thu Oct 18 17:19:08 +0300 2012
Processing by AccountController#login as HTML
  Parameters: {"back_url"=>""}
  Current user: anonymous
Redirected to
Filter chain halted as :check_if_login_required rendered or redirected
Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)

Please help!

Replies (1)

RE: Сyclic recursion redirects - Added by André Jonsson almost 12 years ago

Did you find the problem?
I have the exact same problem, similar upgrade path as well.

My loop doesn't stop there (goes a bit further, building the url to absurd proportions), but that might be unrelated.
