


is it possible to automatically update due-date by changing start-date

Added by nodoka manabe almost 12 years ago

Hi, I'm new to here.

I frequently need to change start-date of some tickets, and accordingly change their due-date.
It is nice if I can change them at once, for example,
before: start 2012/11/05 due 2012/11/07 ->change start to 11/07
after: start 2012/11/07 due 2012/11/09

Is there any patch or plugin to do this?

Is is perfect if the plugin recognizes weekends and postpones due-date accordingly, for example,
before: start 2012/11/07 due 2012/11/09 ->change start to 11/09
after: start 2012/11/09 due 2012/11/13
