


How to Setup Email Notification.

Added by Ryan Rupa almost 12 years ago

Hi everyone

Newbie here, Actually It was my first time setting up Red Mine. Below are my Redmine Details:
Redmine version                          2.1.0.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3 (i386-mingw32)
Rails version 3.2.8
Environment production
Database adapter SQLite
Installed on Windows Server 2008. I was wondering where and how would I setup/enable system email notification wherein the system will email the registered user's email address for notification.
Any reply is highly appreciated. Thank you!

Replies (4)

RE: How to Setup Email Notification. - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 12 years ago

First you have to configure e-mail in config/configuartion.yml. Something like this:

  # Outgoing emails configuration (see examples above)
    delivery_method: :smtp
      address: "" 
      port: 25
      domain: "" 
This depends how you are connected to the mail server and your configuration may differ from the example.
Then you have to make some tuning at, e-mail notifications.

RE: How to Setup Email Notification. - Added by Ryan Rupa almost 12 years ago

Yeah I've managed to do that but one thing, How will I restart Red Mine. didn't have any luck searching in the forum for Windows Server 2008. Thank you.

RE: How to Setup Email Notification. - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 12 years ago

You have to restart the server that is running Redmine. What is your server? In my case this is thin, working as Windows service. I restart Redmine by stopping and then starting thin service.

RE: How to Setup Email Notification. - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 12 years ago

Here is a good explanation how to setup Redmine on Windows Server 2008 system
