


Using Text type Custom fields

Added by Gurvan Le Dromaguet almost 12 years ago

Hi all,

I have created 2 text custom fields, and I have problems to have it setup nice:
  • I added a template intended to be multiple lines, but return lines (\n) are not taken into account and everything shows up in one line
    I ended up with updated directly via a sql query the text field with return lines and it worked, but I would prefer to have the possibility to do it "a normal way"
    has anyone any idea how to do this ?
  • Default size of the text field is not big enough for my use, does anyone has a tip to set a default size ?


Replies (2)

RE: Using Text type Custom fields - Added by Terence Mill almost 12 years ago

Intereting question regading the line breaks. Is it supproted with redmine 2.x,i read about new type of fields?

RE: Using Text type Custom fields - Added by Gurvan Le Dromaguet almost 12 years ago

I use "Long Text" type, I did some test for the default value:

I want to return\\nreturned1?<br>returned2?\r\nreturned3?&#10;returned4?

no luck.
It looks like the default valued for "Long text" is not "Long Text", can this be considered a bug ?
