


Setup redmine to use Subversion on IIS 6

Added by Kevin Marino over 15 years ago

Ok, because I am a glutten for punishment I am attempting to setup Redmine using IIS 6 connected to subversion.

Well right now I have Redmine running but there is no communicaton with Subversion or ability to point to directory. I do have it checked in admin.

Also Ruby is reporting that svn binaries are there.

So if anybody out there has made this work and would be kind enough to help thanks.

bitNami is last resort since I have to request a port opened to run .


Replies (1)

RE: Setup redmine to use Subversion on IIS 6 - Added by Dmitry Trukhanov about 15 years ago

There 2 solutions for this problem:
1) You can increase InstanceTimeout and ActivityTimeout, but in this case execution of svn takes about 60 seconds and this is awful
2) You can simply give Write access for NETWORK SERVICE account for "Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Subversion\auth" directory. For me execution of svn with this solution takes about 80 milliseconds vs 60 milliseconds with standalone server.
