


Delete relation link does not work

Added by Murat Ursavas over 11 years ago


I've installed Redmine via Microsoft Web Installer as explained in this link:

It runs over a Windows Server 2008 R2 and IIS 7.5. I've done lots of things with Redmine and it's beautiful as I expected. I just ran into a problem while trying to connect issues within the same project.

If I want to create a relation, like Issue #1 precedes Issue #2, no problem. But the issue occures if I try to delete that relation. Since I'm new to Redmine, I'll definitely run this trouble lots of times.

I've checked the situation via Google Chrome's developer tools and seen that server responds a 405 error to that action.

Here is the console output:

DELETE 405 (Method Not Allowed) jquery-1.7.2-ui-1.8.21-ujs-2.0.3.js:4
send jquery-1.7.2-ui-1.8.21-ujs-2.0.3.js:4
f.extend.ajax jquery-1.7.2-ui-1.8.21-ujs-2.0.3.js:4
a.rails.d.ajax jquery-1.7.2-ui-1.8.21-ujs-2.0.3.js:133
a.rails.d.handleRemote jquery-1.7.2-ui-1.8.21-ujs-2.0.3.js:133
(anonymous function) jquery-1.7.2-ui-1.8.21-ujs-2.0.3.js:133
f.event.dispatch jquery-1.7.2-ui-1.8.21-ujs-2.0.3.js:3
h.handle.i jquery-1.7.2-ui-1.8.21-ujs-2.0.3.js:3

IP and port modified to xxx's for security reasons.

Thanks in advance.

Redmine version: 2.1.2-stable

Replies (1)

RE: Delete relation link does not work - Added by Murat Ursavas over 11 years ago

Nevermind, I've fixed it. WebDAV steps in when I try to DELETE the relation.

I tried to attach the solution link but system kept marking the reply as spam.

Please search web for "issue-hosting-restful-services-on-iis-7" and you'll see the blog that I've used.
