


Project coping

Added by Mauro Condarelli over 11 years ago

I'm writing an application (in java, using REST API and redmine-java-api) to selectively copy projects from one installation to another.
I found out how to do most things, but I couldn't divine how to create issue details (e.g.: journals and changesets).
Can someone please point me in the right direction?


Replies (2)

RE: Project coping - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Hi Mauro, that sounds interesting. Is your application limited for company use, or can it be downloaded somewhere?

RE: Project coping - Added by Mauro Condarelli over 11 years ago

It is currently sitting on my disk, but there's no reason I cannot share.
It's a Eclipse/SWT app I can pack in an executable .jar (rather big: 18.1 MB including all libs, but excluding sources).
I can upload sources somewhere, if there's interest. Just tell me where.

Can someone confirm Journals are created when creating an Issue?
It is unclear from the REST page.
I assume I could playback the changes to recreate the journals, but then I would lose several info (date, user, ...).
