


All of my projects are gone!!

Added by Hans Richter over 11 years ago

Today I logged in and it said my login and the other users' logins are invalid. I tried to recreate my account with the same name, logged in, and my projects are nowhere to be found. How can I recover my projects? This is very urgent, please assist any way you can.

Replies (2)

RE: All of my projects are gone!! - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

To few details, sorry.
  • Are you the administrator of the machine?
  • Are you the redmine administrator?
  • Do you have access to the datbase?
  • Is the DB on the same machine?
  • Where is your machine located, under your desk, in you own datacenter, is it colocated or a VPS?
  • Please indicate operating system name and version, ruby, rails and redmine versions, ...

I'd say that either someone hacked you or your DBA is pulling your leg...

RE: All of my projects are gone!! - Added by Hans Richter over 11 years ago

I did not setup a database. I started projects, created users for others. I was under the impression Redmine is a cloud app because I simply started creating projects and used it. One day, everyone's login and my projects were gone when we tried to sign in. If I were to setup a db, I would be the DBA and we would use our corporate server to host it.
