


Setting default ticket for new issues

Added by Tom Klino over 11 years ago

Right now, when a user likes to create a new issue, the tracker stands on "Bug". Since most of my tickets are "Support" tickets, I would like it to stand on "Support" when I open a new issue, but still be able to change it to "Bug" if necessary.
I've looked around a bit but all I could find is how to set default trackers for new project, but none for new issues.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Replies (2)

RE: Setting default ticket for new issues - Added by Cliff Pereira over 11 years ago

Not sure if you mean the same. But you can adjust the order of the trackers in the Administration/Trackers. The topmost should be the default tracker then.

RE: Setting default ticket for new issues - Added by Tom Klino over 11 years ago

Yes! thank you! I can't believe I missed it...
