


Error 500 after upgrade 1.2.1 to 2.2.2 (access to settings)

Added by Franck Martinière over 11 years ago

I have upgraded redmine following the procedure. at the begining it seems to work but when I want to access to issues list and settings I get an error 500 (internal error).
For settings access I have these lines in "production.log" :

Started GET "/settings" for at Thu Feb 21 15:37:13 +0100 2013
Processing by SettingsController#index as HTML
  Current user: fma (id=4)
  Rendered settings/_general.html.erb (7.2ms)
  Rendered settings/_display.html.erb (9.6ms)
  Rendered settings/_authentication.html.erb (6.4ms)
  Rendered settings/_projects.html.erb (6.0ms)
  Rendered settings/_issues.html.erb (6.6ms)
  Rendered common/_tabs.html.erb (41.2ms)
  Rendered settings/edit.html.erb within layouts/admin (41.6ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 47ms

ActionView::Template::Error (interning empty string):
    24:     <legend><%= l(:setting_issue_list_default_columns) %></legend>
    25:   <%= render :partial => 'queries/columns',
    26:              :locals => {
    27:                :query => => Setting.issue_list_default_columns),
    28:                :tag_name => 'settings[issue_list_default_columns][]'
    29:              } %>
    30: </fieldset>
  app/models/user.rb:228:in `to_sym'
  app/models/user.rb:228:in `to_proc'
  app/models/query.rb:539:in `map'
  app/models/query.rb:539:in `default_columns_names'
  app/models/query.rb:550:in `column_names='
  app/models/query.rb:178:in `initialize'
  app/views/settings/_issues.html.erb:27:in `new'
  app/views/settings/_issues.html.erb:27:in `_app_views_settings__issues_html_erb___751415441__629736628'
  app/views/settings/_issues.html.erb:1:in `_app_views_settings__issues_html_erb___751415441__629736628'
  app/views/common/_tabs.html.erb:24:in `_app_views_common__tabs_html_erb__479923613__630720718'
  app/views/common/_tabs.html.erb:23:in `each'
  app/views/common/_tabs.html.erb:23:in `_app_views_common__tabs_html_erb__479923613__630720718'
  app/helpers/application_helper.rb:263:in `render_tabs'
  app/views/settings/edit.html.erb:3:in `_app_views_settings_edit_html_erb___226970943__630516238'
  app/controllers/settings_controller.rb:26:in `index'

I have tried to work with a new redmine test directory and it works fine.
any help would be appreciated.

thank in advance .

Replies (9)

RE: Error 500 after upgrade 1.2.1 to 2.2.2 (access to settings) - Added by Franck Martinière over 11 years ago

Sorry but I can't access to "administration" - "settings" so I can't access "Issues tracking" and so on.

It's probably a database problem but it is not easy to detect.
Thank's for help,

RE: Error 500 after upgrade 1.2.1 to 2.2.2 (access to settings) - Added by Franck Martinière over 11 years ago

Yes the migration is completed well.
Here is production.log contains :

Connecting to database specified by database.yml is nil. Using in-memory store.
Migrating to Setup (1)
Migrating to IssueMove (2)
Migrating to IssueAddNote (3)
Migrating to ExportPdf (4)
Migrating to IssueStartDate (5)
Migrating to CalendarAndActivity (6)
Migrating to CreateJournals (7)
Migrating to CreateUserPreferences (8)
Migrating to AddHideMailPref (9)
Migrating to CreateComments (10)
Migrating to AddNewsCommentsCount (11)
Migrating to AddCommentsPermissions (12)
Migrating to CreateQueries (13)
Migrating to AddQueriesPermissions (14)
Migrating to CreateRepositories (15)
Migrating to AddRepositoriesPermissions (16)
Migrating to CreateSettings (17)
Migrating to SetDocAndFilesNotifications (18)
Migrating to AddIssueStatusPosition (19)
Migrating to AddRolePosition (20)
Migrating to AddTrackerPosition (21)
Migrating to SerializePossiblesValues (22)
Migrating to AddTrackerIsInRoadmap (23)
Migrating to AddRoadmapPermission (24)
Migrating to AddSearchPermission (25)
Migrating to AddRepositoryLoginAndPassword (26)
Migrating to CreateWikis (27)
Migrating to CreateWikiPages (28)
Migrating to CreateWikiContents (29)
Migrating to AddProjectsFeedsPermissions (30)
Migrating to AddRepositoryRootUrl (31)
Migrating to CreateTimeEntries (32)
Migrating to AddTimelogPermissions (33)
Migrating to CreateChangesets (34)
Migrating to CreateChanges (35)
Migrating to AddChangesetCommitDate (36)
Migrating to AddProjectIdentifier (37)
Migrating to AddCustomFieldIsFilter (38)
Migrating to CreateWatchers (39)
Migrating to CreateChangesetsIssues (40)
Migrating to RenameCommentToComments (41)
Migrating to CreateIssueRelations (42)
Migrating to AddRelationsPermissions (43)
Migrating to SetLanguageLengthToFive (44)
Migrating to CreateBoards (45)
Migrating to CreateMessages (46)
Migrating to AddBoardsPermissions (47)
Migrating to AllowNullVersionEffectiveDate (48)
Migrating to AddWikiDestroyPagePermission (49)
Migrating to AddWikiAttachmentsPermissions (50)
Migrating to AddProjectStatus (51)
Migrating to AddChangesRevision (52)
Migrating to AddChangesBranch (53)
Migrating to AddChangesetsScmid (54)
Migrating to AddRepositoriesType (55)
Migrating to AddRepositoriesChangesPermission (56)
Migrating to AddVersionsWikiPageTitle (57)
Migrating to AddIssueCategoriesAssignedToId (58)
Migrating to AddRolesAssignable (59)
Migrating to ChangeChangesetsCommitterLimit (60)
Migrating to AddRolesBuiltin (61)
Migrating to InsertBuiltinRoles (62)
Migrating to AddRolesPermissions (63)
Migrating to DropPermissions (64)
Migrating to AddSettingsUpdatedOn (65)
Migrating to AddCustomValueCustomizedIndex (66)
Migrating to CreateWikiRedirects (67)
Migrating to CreateEnabledModules (68)
Migrating to AddIssuesEstimatedHours (69)
Migrating to ChangeAttachmentsContentTypeLimit (70)
Migrating to AddQueriesColumnNames (71)
Migrating to AddEnumerationsPosition (72)
Migrating to AddEnumerationsIsDefault (73)
Migrating to AddAuthSourcesTls (74)
Migrating to AddMembersMailNotification (75)
Migrating to AllowNullPosition (76)
Migrating to RemoveIssueStatusesHtmlColor (77)
Migrating to AddCustomFieldsPosition (78)
Migrating to AddUserPreferencesTimeZone (79)
Migrating to AddUsersType (80)
Migrating to CreateProjectsTrackers (81)
Migrating to AddMessagesLocked (82)
Migrating to AddMessagesSticky (83)
Migrating to ChangeAuthSourcesAccountLimit (84)
Migrating to AddRoleTrackerOldStatusIndexToWorkflows (85)
Migrating to AddCustomFieldsSearchable (86)
Migrating to ChangeProjectsDescriptionToText (87)
Migrating to AddCustomFieldsDefaultValue (88)
Migrating to AddAttachmentsDescription (89)
Migrating to ChangeVersionsNameLimit (90)
Migrating to ChangeChangesetsRevisionToString (91)
Migrating to ChangeChangesFromRevisionToString (92)
Migrating to AddWikiPagesProtected (93)
Migrating to ChangeProjectsHomepageLimit (94)
Migrating to AddWikiPagesParentId (95)
Migrating to AddCommitAccessPermission (96)
Migrating to AddViewWikiEditsPermission (97)
Migrating to SetTopicAuthorsAsWatchers (98)
Migrating to AddDeleteWikiPagesAttachmentsPermission (99)
Migrating to AddChangesetsUserId (100)
Migrating to PopulateChangesetsUserId (101)
Migrating to AddCustomFieldsEditable (102)
Migrating to SetCustomFieldsEditable (103)
Migrating to AddProjectsLftAndRgt (104)
Migrating to BuildProjectsTree (105)
Migrating to RemoveProjectsProjectsCount (106)
Migrating to AddOpenIdAuthenticationTables (107)
Migrating to AddIdentityUrlToUsers (108)
Migrating to AddWatchersUserIdTypeIndex (20090214190337)
Migrating to AddQueriesSortCriteria (20090312172426)
Migrating to AddProjectsTrackersUniqueIndex (20090312194159)
Migrating to ExtendSettingsName (20090318181151)
Migrating to AddTypeToEnumerations (20090323224724)
Migrating to UpdateEnumerationsToSti (20090401221305)
Migrating to AddActiveFieldToEnumerations (20090401231134)
Migrating to AddProjectToEnumerations (20090403001910)
Migrating to AddParentIdToEnumerations (20090406161854)
Migrating to AddQueriesGroupBy (20090425161243)
Migrating to CreateMemberRoles (20090503121501)
Migrating to PopulateMemberRoles (20090503121505)
Migrating to DropMembersRoleId (20090503121510)
Migrating to FixMessagesStickyNull (20090614091200)
Migrating to PopulateUsersType (20090704172350)
Migrating to CreateGroupsUsers (20090704172355)
Migrating to AddMemberRolesInheritedFrom (20090704172358)
Migrating to FixUsersCustomValues (20091010093521)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToWorkflows (20091017212227)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToCustomFieldsProjects (20091017212457)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToMessages (20091017212644)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToRepositories (20091017212938)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToComments (20091017213027)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToEnumerations (20091017213113)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToWikiPages (20091017213151)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToWatchers (20091017213228)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToAuthSources (20091017213257)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToDocuments (20091017213332)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToTokens (20091017213444)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToChangesets (20091017213536)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToIssueCategories (20091017213642)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToMemberRoles (20091017213716)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToBoards (20091017213757)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToUserPreferences (20091017213835)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToIssues (20091017213910)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToMembers (20091017214015)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToCustomFields (20091017214107)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToQueries (20091017214136)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToTimeEntries (20091017214236)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToNews (20091017214308)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToUsers (20091017214336)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToAttachments (20091017214406)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToWikiContents (20091017214440)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToCustomValues (20091017214519)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToJournals (20091017214611)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToIssueRelations (20091017214644)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToWikiRedirects (20091017214720)
Migrating to AddMissingIndexesToCustomFieldsTrackers (20091017214750)
Migrating to AddActivityIndexes (20091025163651)
Migrating to AddVersionsStatus (20091108092559)
Migrating to AddViewIssuesPermission (20091114105931)
Migrating to AddDefaultDoneRatioToIssueStatus (20091123212029)
Migrating to AddVersionsSharing (20091205124427)
Migrating to AddLftAndRgtIndexesToProjects (20091220183509)
Migrating to AddIndexToSettingsName (20091220183727)
Migrating to AddIndexesToIssueStatus (20091220184736)
Migrating to RemoveEnumerationsOpt (20091225164732)
Migrating to ChangeWikiContentsTextLimit (20091227112908)
Migrating to ChangeUsersMailNotificationToString (20100129193402)
Migrating to UpdateMailNotificationValues (20100129193813)
Migrating to AddIndexOnChangesetsScmid (20100221100219)
Migrating to AddIssuesNestedSetsColumns (20100313132032)
Migrating to AddIndexOnIssuesNestedSet (20100313171051)
Migrating to ChangeChangesPathLengthLimit (20100705164950)
Migrating to EnableCalendarAndGanttModulesWhereAppropriate (20100819172912)
Migrating to AddUniqueIndexOnMembers (20101104182107)
Migrating to AddCustomFieldsVisible (20101107130441)
Migrating to ChangeProjectsNameLimit (20101114115114)
Migrating to ChangeProjectsIdentifierLimit (20101114115359)
Migrating to AddWorkflowsAssigneeAndAuthor (20110220160626)
Migrating to AddUsersSalt (20110223180944)
Migrating to SaltUserPasswords (20110223180953)
Migrating to AddRepositoriesPathEncoding (20110224000000)
Migrating to ChangeRepositoriesPasswordLimit (20110226120112)
Migrating to ChangeAuthSourcesAccountPasswordLimit (20110226120132)
Migrating to ChangeJournalDetailsValuesToText (20110227125750)
Migrating to AddRepositoriesLogEncoding (20110228000000)
Migrating to CopyRepositoriesLogEncoding (20110228000100)
Migrating to AddIndexToUsersType (20110401192910)
Migrating to AddRolesIssuesVisibility (20110408103312)
Migrating to AddIssuesIsPrivate (20110412065600)
Migrating to AddRepositoriesExtraInfo (20110511000000)
Migrating to CreateChangesetParents (20110902000000)
Migrating to AddUniqueIndexToIssueRelations (20111201201315)
Migrating to AddRepositoriesIdentifier (20120115143024)
Migrating to AddRepositoriesIsDefault (20120115143100)
Migrating to SetDefaultRepositories (20120115143126)
Migrating to AddCustomFieldsMultiple (20120127174243)
Migrating to ChangeUsersLoginLimit (20120205111326)
Migrating to ChangeAttachmentsContainerDefaults (20120223110929)
Migrating to AddAuthSourcesFilter (20120301153455)
Migrating to ChangeRepositoriesToFullSti (20120422150750)
Migrating to AddTrackersFieldsBits (20120705074331)
Migrating to AddAuthSourcesTimeout (20120707064544)
Migrating to AddWorkflowsType (20120714122000)
Migrating to UpdateWorkflowsToSti (20120714122100)
Migrating to AddWorkflowsRuleFields (20120714122200)
Migrating to AddBoardsParentId (20120731164049)
Migrating to AddJournalsPrivateNotes (20120930112914)
Migrating to AddEnumerationsPositionName (20121026002032)
Migrating to PopulateEnumerationsPositionName (20121026003537)


RE: Error 500 after upgrade 1.2.1 to 2.2.2 (access to settings) - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Please check this, go into the database and
SELECT * FROM settings WHERE name = 'issue_list_default_columns';
If I'm right, this will return a row but with an empty column 'value'...

RE: Error 500 after upgrade 1.2.1 to 2.2.2 (access to settings) - Added by Franck Martinière over 11 years ago

The result to this request is :

- "" 
- tracker
- status
- priority
- subject
- assigned_to
- updated_on
- due_date

I have deleted the first 2 lines, save the table and now I can access to settings.
I have made a modification in settings, I have saved it and now I can access to issue list.

Thank's Jan.

RE: Error 500 after upgrade 1.2.1 to 2.2.2 (access to settings) - Added by Anonymous over 11 years ago

Problem solved if you do one of the following:


Update ruby from 1.8.7 to 1.9.3, error gone.



Replace the "lang_options_for_select" code at application _helper.rb with old version:

def lang_options_for_select(blank=true)
-    (blank ? [["(auto)", ""]] : []) + languages_options
+    (blank ? [["(auto)", ""]] : []) +
+     valid_languages.collect{|lang| [ ll(lang.to_s, :general_lang_name), lang.to_s]}.sort{|x,y| x.last <=> y.last }

RE: Error 500 after upgrade 1.2.1 to 2.2.2 (access to settings) - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Or 3.
Do like Franck did and remove empty value from settings WHERE name = 'issue_list_default_columns';...
