


Problems with the Demo Environment

Added by Palle Plut over 11 years ago

I have got an account in the Demo environment to check if RedMine will do the trick for our organisation.
But the problem is that there are a lot of Internal Errors so I cant get to the test...

For example when I try to:
- Set an Issue priority in the admin - Internal error
- View my page - Internal error
- Click "Activity" in a project - Internal error
- Click "Issues" in a project - 500 An error occurred while...
- Click "Gantt" in a project - 500 An error occurred while...
- Click "Calendar" in a project - 500 An error occurred while...

There might be more but this should be enough to see the problem...
Is it anyone who can give me some hints of what can cause this? Without solving this in the Demo environment I cant go further with RedMine and I think, from what I have read, that RedMine really will do it for us.

Replies (5)

RE: Problems with the Demo Environment - Added by Palle Plut over 11 years ago

No one who has any ideas?

RE: Problems with the Demo Environment - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Please open a new issue, the demo instance should be OK IMHO...

RE: Problems with the Demo Environment - Added by Palle Plut over 11 years ago

Hello, thanks fo rthe ansver... Do you mean that I should get a new demosajt from scratch?
i tried now to set an Issue priority in the admin but it still give me a internal error.

RE: Problems with the Demo Environment - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Palle Plut wrote:

Do you mean that I should get a new demosajt from scratch?

No, I mean: Make an entry in the tracker. Click "Issues" above, and enter a new issue...

RE: Problems with the Demo Environment - Added by Palle Plut over 11 years ago

OK, I have done that now. I even tried to set up a new test site but it was not a success... It is not possible to load the default configurations...
I guess that the base problem is the lack of possibility to load default configurations (see attached picture).
