


Installing redmine on QNAP

Added by Matthew Bissette over 11 years ago


I was wondering if someone could help me or point me in the right direction. I'm a total noob and want to install and customize redmine on a QNAP TS-EC879U-RP.

Would appreciate any help I can get.


Replies (6)

RE: Installing redmine on QNAP - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Matthew Bissette wrote:

I'm a total noob and want to install and customize redmine on a QNAP TS-EC879U-RP.

I don't want to sound arrogant, but if you're really new to Linux and / or you don't know how to
  • install a database management system
  • setup a database
  • install the stack (ruby, rails, http- and application server)
    ... then the learning curve will be extremely steep.

To start, read the existing docs in the wiki (e.g. RedmineInstall) and then try to get going.

RE: Installing redmine on QNAP - Added by Matthew Bissette over 11 years ago

Thanks for the response.

Ive already installed redmine on a MBP ad had it up and running.

My question is specific to a QNAP installation and not a general how to. Since a QNAP setup is different to MBP


RE: Installing redmine on QNAP - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Matthew Bissette wrote:

Ive already installed redmine on a MBP ad had it up and running.

What is a "MBP"?

My question is specific to a QNAP installation and not a general how to. Since a QNAP setup is different to MBP

And what is your question?

RE: Installing redmine on QNAP - Added by Matthew Bissette over 11 years ago

MBP = MacBook Pro

Question again is installing redmine on a QNAP. Ive already installed Ruby and Gem packages. Trying to install Redmine with not much luck. Other entries here havent proven ro be very helpful.

Basically I want to host my own project management system based on redmine on the QNAP so that it is accessible internally and by others externally.

If the QNAP is not ideal for hosting, then would appreciate a tip on a good server to host it myself. Currently looking at a HP ProLiant DL560 Gen8 E5-4603 2P, 16 GB-R. Would prefer not to use an external webhosting service.

RE: Installing redmine on QNAP - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

My last post in this thread.

Matthew Bissette wrote:

MBP = MacBook Pro

Ahh, I see. Thank you.

Question again is installing redmine on a QNAP. Ive already installed Ruby and Gem packages. Trying to install Redmine with not much luck. Other entries here havent proven ro be very helpful.

I don't see a question mark. You do not ask a question. Let me repeat: What is your question? Be as specific as possible.
Just saying "How do I install redmine on QNAP" is not helpful, not for you, neither for those wanting to help you.

If the QNAP is not ideal for hosting, then would appreciate a tip on a good server to host it myself. Currently looking at a HP ProLiant DL560 Gen8 E5-4603 2P, 16 GB-R. Would prefer not to use an external webhosting service.

The QNAP is a storage appliance, a system with a very narrowly defined purpose. Why would anyone use it as a general-purpose server and put the whole ruby|rails|apache|passenger stack on it?
Their homepage says the system only has 512 MB Flash memory, that's not a lot.
On the other hand, depending on how many users you want to serve, the ProLiant is possibly overkill...

RE: Installing redmine on QNAP - Added by Matthew Bissette over 11 years ago

Thanks for the reply.

Since the QNAP doesnt seem to be a viable option which hp proliant would be good for runnung redmine and serving users externally as well as internally? Thinking of multiple remote access max 100 to 200 users if that.

Have been looking at hp ProLiant DL385p Gen8 or 380e

Goal is a project management web app with invoicing functionality.
