


Mail Handler - Assignee

Added by Jason Butz almost 12 years ago

Install Information

  Redmine version                          2.2.3.stable
  Ruby version                             1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
  Rails version                            3.2.12
  Environment                              production
  Database adapter                         MySQL

I am trying to be able to set the assignee of a ticket via e-mail. I can see in the code that it ought to work, but I guess I am missing something.

This is what is at the top of the body of the email:

Assigned To:

I have also tried "Assignee" instead of "Assigned To". Both are striped from the issue description, but the assignee is not being set.
The assignee IS a member of the project, and issues can be assigned to them.

Here is the command being called when email is received:

/usr/local/bin/rdm-mailhandler.rb --project *PROJECT IDENTIFIER* --tracker ticket --allow-override=project,priority,tracker,assigned_to --no-permission-check --unknown-user=create --url **URL** --key **KEY**

Anyone able to help?

Replies (1)

RE: Mail Handler - Assignee - Added by Jason Butz almost 12 years ago

Nevermind, it was working I had a bug in my code sending the e-mails
