


What is the best application server to use Redmine with Windows

Added by Diogenes Vitali over 11 years ago

Hello Everybody.

I would like to know what is the best app server to host Redmine 2.3 on a windows environment and if theres is a step by step guide to do this?
I try to do the step by step" but it´s a old tutorial and apparently mongrel does not work with ruby 1.9 or higher version.


Replies (2)

RE: What is the best application server to use Redmine with Windows - Added by Tony Ordner over 11 years ago

I use thin for our app server on windows. I am not currently using Apache but just directly serving up from thin. I did have bitnami installed for awhile to test and you could look at the Apache to thin setup there as that is what they use as well.

These instructions look decent as well.

RE: What is the best application server to use Redmine with Windows - Added by James R over 11 years ago

I have used Bitnami which is a very simple setup but have run into trouble with trying to import data through the API. Another user suggested trying nevertheless I have not been able to try this out yet.

I am interested to understand relative advantages and disadvantages of different app servers.... preferably ones that allow me to import data. I am not sure if my problems are related to the server setup or redmine itself.
