


NDVI in Raster Calculator

Added by Daniel Flaim about 11 years ago

Tried to post this a while ago but can't find my question anywhere and have no replies so here goes again.

When attempting to produce a simple NDVI raster from landsat data in Rastar Calculator my results always come back as pretty much single tone map - ie containing no information.

The formula I'm entering is Float(B4 - B3)/ Float (B4 + B3)

where B3 and B4 are pre-loaded Raster Maps.
This formula works fine in Grass GIS.
I've tried without the Float command, with and without spaces, with quotation marks around each map. What am I doing wrong?

Replies (2)

RE: NDVI in Raster Calculator - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth about 11 years ago

I think you're posting to the wrong forum, this one is for Redmine development and general support.

RE: NDVI in Raster Calculator - Added by Daniel Flaim about 11 years ago

OK I'll try elsewhere,
