


Downgrade to a previous version

Added by Pablo González about 11 years ago

Hi all,

I'm a user from the 1.0x series of Redmine, and I've recently installed Redmine 2.2.4 in a Gentoo box. I've run under several issues, for example

  • Some trouble to enable sub-uri access
  • Some kind-of-bug with HTTP/S
  • Enable sub-uri access under nginx was a royal PITA
  • Can't access redmine with REST API (mix of nginx incompetence and something funny inside Redmine 2.2.4)

I've managed to work around and solve most issues but I'm still unable to access my installation with REST. Besides, some nifty plugins aren't ready to Redmine 2.x yet.

So, the whole point is: Is there any way (link, README or sth) to downgrade a new'ish installation to, let's say... 1.4?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


Replies (2)

RE: Downgrade to a previous version - Added by Pablo González about 11 years ago

Hi again,

I would like to add that my installation has a Postgres (9.2.1) database and every other piece of software related to redmine was installed as default from portage. If is it relevant I will post more technical details, but I need to know if it is possible to do.

RE: Downgrade to a previous version - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov about 11 years ago

As I know there is no way to use database in previous versions after database migration.
You can return only if you have a backup of your previous database.
