


Setting project_path & Default View to 'Issues' rather than 'Overview'/#show

Added by Marin Todorov about 11 years ago

I'm running 2.3.1.stable and trying to figure out the best way to set the default view when one clicks on a project to 'Issues' rather than the 'Overview'.

1) I managed to add the following to routes.rb, however then clicking the 'Overview' tab, always took me back to Issues, which is not good

match '/projects/:id/', :to => redirect("/redmine/projects/%{id}/issues"), :via => [:get]

2) In redmine.rb, I was able to switch the order of the tabs, i.e. make 'Issues' first, then 'Overview'..however 'Overview' is still the first active tab

3) @application_helper.rb, there is the function link_to_project, which calls 'project_path', however I can not figure out where 'project_path' is defined

Any Help or recommendations for a rails/redmine newbie is more than welcome!

Greetings, marin

Replies (2)

RE: Setting project_path & Default View to 'Issues' rather than 'Overview'/#show - Added by Jackie Pang almost 11 years ago


Maybe this bad way can help you hopefully: change the function "link_to_project" to link_to, project_path(project, options) << "/wiki"

If you find out where 'project_path' is, please tell me:)

RE: Setting project_path & Default View to 'Issues' rather than 'Overview'/#show - Added by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 11 years ago

Jackie Pang wrote:

If you find out where 'project_path' is, please tell me:)

$ rake routes | grep ' project '
        project GET /projects:id(.:format) projects#show