


Email notifications problem

Added by Lampros Patsantaras about 11 years ago

Hello and thanks for any help in advance.

I would like to know if anyone was ever able to send email notifications through Redmine to more than one "domain" recipients.

I need to send email notifications to users from our internal network and to some users on their gmail/yahoo/etc... accounts.

Thanks again, any help is really appreciated :)


Replies (1)

RE: Email notifications problem - Added by Thomas Godard about 11 years ago

As long as they are members of your project and these user have their gmail, yahoo accounts registered as their e-mail in Redmine, they will receive the notification.

I have tested it on my Redmine application. I have registered an user with a different domain than the user that modifies the issue. Both are members of the project and both have received the notification of changement.
