


Checkbox in Issue list

Added by Herve MORILLON almost 17 years ago

I can't figure out what is the use of the checkboxes on the left side of issue entry in the issue list.

Is there a batch processing feature I miss ?

Thank you.

Replies (6)

RE: Checkbox in Issue list - Added by Maxim Krušina almost 17 years ago

Yes, it is ;) You have to click with right mouse button to select appropriate action.
I was unable to find this out too...
IMHO, it's not good idea to use RMB on website, or rather it's good idea if it's used apliaction-wide, but when it's just on one place, not so much people will try this.

I'm for adding commands under list of all items, what others think?
It can be textual links, small buttons or combined text with small icons...

RE: Checkbox in Issue list - Added by Nikolay Solakov almost 17 years ago

I'm for adding a tip somewhere on the issues list page. With small font maybe :)
Just saying: "Right click on selection for multi-update" or something...

RE: Checkbox in Issue list - Added by Herve MORILLON almost 17 years ago

Smashing! Although I agree right click is indeed not intuitive on web application.

Thank you for the tips.

RE: Checkbox in Issue list - Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 17 years ago

It should be a label explaing that batch operations can be reached via right-click, since like Herve said, that's totally not intuitive in a web browser.

RE: Checkbox in Issue list - Added by Maxim Krušina almost 17 years ago

But isn't really easier to add textual buttons with small icons?
It will keep the overall logic of website usage.
Anyway, RMB menu can be kept, also, there can be two ways how to select action.
IMHO buttons can be same like in issue list: Apply, Clear, Save... with small icons
If you need help with icons, I'm here ;)

RE: Checkbox in Issue list - Added by Schollii Tron about 14 years ago

WOW I had no idea about this batch feature. On my laptop I sometimes have to wait 10 seconds for the right-click menu to show up! Clearly the first few times I tried I gave up before the 10 seconds and probably didn't notice the menu show up and immediately disappear.

Anyways I would like to recommend that the Edit page, specifically the Change Properties panel of that page, be available right on the report page. Perhaps it should be "grayed out" unless there is at least one checkmark.
