


Email due date

Added by Andreas Böhm almost 11 years ago

Hello everybody,
I discovered that RM has the ability so send emails triggered by different actions (email notifications). I am wondering if such an email remainder could also be triggered by a due date in a ticket. If so, how do I need to configure RM then. I already looked through the issues and to do's but without any sufficient success so far. I didn't find anything in the configuration of RM that satisfies my needs.
Thx, Andreas

Replies (2)

RE: Email due date - Added by Thomas Godard almost 11 years ago


You could probably check if this feature responds to your request :

If not, you can probably also check his plugin :

RE: Email due date - Added by Andreas Böhm almost 11 years ago

Hi there,

they seem to be exactly what I'm looking for.
Unfortunately I don't have direct access to the RM installation (the server it is installed on) - at the moment at least. However, my boss tried to install one of them. The procedure stuck because our current RM installation is based on Ruby 1.8.7. Could you help me figure out which "email due date" plugin works on the Ruby distribution 1.8.7. I didn't find out which RM version corresponds to this Ruby version. I do also get the impression that the Ruby version is not really mentioned in the plugin descriptions. Trial and error seems not to be a proper approach at all ;-)

