


My Page is broken.

Added by Konstantin Ashaev almost 11 years ago

I have installed Redmine CRM plugin(contacts) recently and generally, the plugin works fine, but after adding "My contacts" block to "My page" I can't access this page - Internal error.

Log file:

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `visible' for #<Class:0xb6028e4>):
1: <h3><%= l(:label_my_deal_plural) %></h3> 
3: <% deals =, :conditions => {:assigned_to_id  =>}, :limit => 20) %>
5: <div class="box" id="duplicates">                                  
6:     <ul>   
app/views/my/page.html.erb:11:in `block in _app_views_my_page_html_erb___143076230_101373520'
app/views/my/page.html.erb:8:in `each'
app/views/my/page.html.erb:8:in `_app_views_my_page_html_erb___143076230_101373520'

Can anybody tell me how to solve this problem? Is there any way to set user's page settings to default? Currently I see only one solution to this issue is to delete records related to Redmine CRM plugin from user_preferences table in DB. Is it possible?

P.S. Debian 7.1.0. Apache + Passenger
Redmine version 2.3.2.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3-p194 (2012-04-20) [i486-linux]
Rails version 3.2.13
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Redmine plugins:
redmine_contacts 3.2.4-light
redmine_people 0.1.6

Replies (1)

RE: My Page is broken. - Added by Konstantin Ashaev almost 11 years ago

I solved this issue by editing user_preferences table in DbVisualizer.
