


Adjusting "issues" table width.

Added by Anonymous almost 11 years ago


Currently, the issues table is set to autoscroll. I'm not knocking anyone, but I find this annoying to have to scroll to view the rest of the information in the contextual list. How can I adjust the width to be fixed?

An example of what I see is provided below. Please excuse the whiteboxes :-)

Replies (3)

RE: Adjusting "issues" table width. - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 11 years ago

How will you be able to see the rightmost poart of the table if the width is fixed and no scrolling available?

RE: Adjusting "issues" table width. - Added by Anonymous almost 11 years ago

Good question, and I think I didn't ask the right question. I simply want to the table to fit the Windows width, regardless to the resolution, which means no autoscroll. The content of the table cells simply wraps around. For example, the parent tab content is inline instead of wrapping around, that just adds to the width, making it longer, which means autoscroll.

Make sense?

RE: Adjusting "issues" table width. - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 11 years ago

William Gregorian wrote:

The content of the table cells simply wraps around.
Make sense?

That would make the rows with wrapped cells larger in height than other rows, IMHO creating a visually unpleasing experience...
That said, you could probably achieve thatbehaviour using a theme.
