


new project ->internal error 500

Added by Berge Zoltan almost 11 years ago


Fresh Bitnami Redmine 2.3.3 installed on Win2008 Server R2, datas migrated from Redmine 2.2.1 (MySQL export, import)

When I clicked on "New Project" link a I got an Internal Error 500.

Other functions seems to be O.k.

Relevant production.log fraction:

Started GET "/redmine/projects/new" for [HIDED IP] at 2013-09-21 01:15:31 +0200
Processing by ProjectsController#new as HTML
Current user: [HIDED USER] (id=3)
Rendered projects/_form.html.erb (31.2ms)
Rendered projects/new.html.erb within layouts/base (31.2ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 78ms

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `inherit_members' for #<Project:0x3910518>):
17: <% end >
19: <
if @project.safe_attribute? 'inherit_members' >
20: <p><
= f.check_box :inherit_members ></p>
21: <
end >
23: <
= wikitoolbar_for 'project_description' %>
lib/redmine/views/labelled_form_builder.rb:31:in `check_box'
app/views/projects/_form.html.erb:20:in `_app_views_projects__form_html_erb___116510470_31966860'
app/views/projects/new.html.erb:4:in `block in app_views_projects_new_html_erb_825074753_31747404'
app/helpers/application_helper.rb:948:in `labelled_form_for'
app/views/projects/new.html.erb:3:in `_app_views_projects_new_html_erb__825074753_31747404'

Any idea?


Replies (3)

RE: new project ->internal error 500 - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 11 years ago

Try without plugins. May be some of them are a bit old?

RE: new project ->internal error 500 - Added by Berge Zoltan almost 11 years ago

Thank you for your answer, but no plugins installed in Redmine.
There was only a 'theme'. I removed it and retested the function.
The result is the same: Internal 500 ...

I'll try to reinstall Redmine.

RE: new project ->internal error 500 - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 11 years ago

Did you perform

rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
after importing the database?
