


Problem oAuth facebook

Added by henry palino almost 11 years ago

Hello guys,

I'm totally new with Wt and I would like to implement an oAuth with facebook service. I've checked the example on github (auth1,2 and oauth) but the problem is that those examples are 2 years old and actually, facebook change a little bit.

I could have read that the callback url was something like http://localhost:8080/oauth2callback but actually, in facebook (check, you MUST use and you'll receive a code and a state, to use for the next step.

The problem is when I log in, I see maybe 0.5 sec and I'm redirected on and I'm totally blocked, I could do anything.

Does anyone has a solution "up to date" ?

Thanks a lot !

Replies (3)

RE: Problem oAuth facebook - Added by henry palino almost 11 years ago

I just omitted to say that's for a local deployment, that's the reason why I've the problem, otherwise I suppose that I wouldn't have it if I got an existing callback url

RE: Problem oAuth facebook - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 11 years ago

This site is about Redmine. May be you have to post at another site to get answers...

RE: Problem oAuth facebook - Added by henry palino almost 11 years ago

Oh sorry, I thought it was the official Wt forum. Sorry for that, I might have clicked on the bad link !
