Rest API Getting list of objects with multi parameter filters
Added by Matt Matt about 11 years ago
I'm not sure if this is a help request or a feature request, but I am trying to get a list of various objects (issues, users, etc...) with some flexible filter options. For example, I would like to get a list of all the issues from 2 different authors
Which doesn't work, it just returns the issues from author 24. I've tried a couple of variations but nothing returns more than one authors issues. Is there any way to filter with 2+ values for the parameter?
Replies (2)
RE: Rest API Getting list of objects with multi parameter filters - Added by Ivan Cenov about 11 years ago
I tried
.../redmine/issues.xml?author_id=[24,34] .../redmine/issues.xml?author_id=[24]This does not work and I think it is not implemented. Nevertheless I see this useful - to use an array as an argument for a parameter. You may want to open a feature request for it.
RE: Rest API Getting list of objects with multi parameter filters - Added by Thomas Zauner about 10 years ago
If someone else gets on this page via search engines, here an easy solution which I haven't found on the API documentation yet (just on GitHub - taskadapter Redmine Java API).
Use | to combine parameters with or.