


How do I add "affected version" and "target version"?

Added by Jason McCarrell almost 11 years ago

With my last company we used redmine and had:
"<something> version" which we put the current version of the issue
"target version" which we would set when we committed the change.

I'd like to do something at least similar for my own project. This version could change very fast, so I don't want to have to "setup" a version every time, I'd prefer to just put a string there. Really a pair of custom fields would probably work, but im not sure how to do that.

(I should add that my redmine bug tracking is hosted on

Replies (3)

RE: How do I add "affected version" and "target version"? - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 11 years ago

HostedRedmine say:

Be aware that this service does not provide administrator access to Redmine, so you won't be able to create a custom configuration. However, we are always open to ideas on how to improve the service and we encourage you to get in touch.

You should consider contacting them...

RE: How do I add "affected version" and "target version"? - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) almost 11 years ago

  • To add Target Version:
    Add a version in the Project Settings.
  • To add Affected Version (For the bug tracker for example)
    Create a new custom field for Issues such as:

So you should be able to add Target Version but not Affected Version without being Administrator.


RE: How do I add "affected version" and "target version"? - Added by Jason McCarrell almost 11 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll have to make a recommendation and improvise till then.
