


ldap-auth fails, conn-tests in setup works

Added by Falk Schönfeld almost 11 years ago


I set up LDAP auth and the connection-test works fine. I can see the network packets with tcpdump.
But the web login fails and tcpdump shows no packets on the wire.

How to debug this setup? I'm not fit to rubi or rails. Is there a linux strace like tool for rails?


Replies (6)

RE: ldap-auth fails, conn-tests in setup works - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) almost 11 years ago

I suggest you double check your setup before anything else.
  1. Your LDAP source seems good I guess the problem is not there
  2. Double check your Base DN, might be CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com
    You can use an LDAP browser to double check that
  3. Double check your "Login attribute" in Redmine LDAP conf, I suggest to use sAMAccountName (Active Directory)
  4. Your users should have the "Authentication Mode" set to your LDAP source
  5. If you use Login attribute sAMAccountName Make sure your Redmine username matches sAMAccountName
    sAMAccountName doesn't include the domain, such as DOMAIN\sAMAccountName or
  6. When you login, you should only use your sAMAccountName, not DOMAIN\sAMAccountName or
    When I login Redmine with LDAP, my username is "martin.denizet"

To troubleshoot you may want to be able to see the log scrolling:

tail -f /path/to/redmine/log/production.log

RE: ldap-auth fails, conn-tests in setup works - Added by Falk Schönfeld almost 11 years ago

Thank you, for your answer.

I think, the points 2 - 6 just take affect, when there is an LDAP-connection, but I think
there isn't, because of the missing traffic during login.

Like I said, traffic is only if I test the connection via admin-panel.

Thank you for the hint of the log, here is is it:

Started POST "/login" for at 2013-10-16 10:44:19 +0200
Processing by AccountController#login as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "back_url"=>"http://projekt:3000/login", "username"=>"fredfist", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"Anmelden »"}
Current user: anonymous
Failed login for 'fredfist' from at 2013-10-16 08:44:19 UTC
Rendered account/login.html.erb within layouts/base (93.3ms)
Completed 200 OK in 682ms (Views: 250.9ms | ActiveRecord: 37.1ms)

Any ideas?

RE: ldap-auth fails, conn-tests in setup works - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) almost 11 years ago

If you are sure your user fredfist has the correct "Authentication Mode", I don't see why you would not get anything on the network.
I did this setup several time, never had a problem like that.
You could add log in the authentication function to make sure it is really trying to authenticate against LDAP.

RE: ldap-auth fails, conn-tests in setup works - Added by Falk Schönfeld almost 11 years ago

You could add log in the authentication function to make sure it is really trying to authenticate against LDAP

How to do it?

RE: ldap-auth fails, conn-tests in setup works - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) almost 11 years ago

The switch between an Authentication Source and local DB is line 258 of app/models/user.rb in the check_password?(clear_password) method.
You can also add log there such as:

  def check_password?(clear_password)
    if auth_source_id.present? "Trying to authenticate '"+self.login+"' with auth source " if logger
      auth_source.authenticate(self.login, clear_password)
    else "Trying to authenticate '"+self.login+"' using local DB" if logger
      User.hash_password("#{salt}#{User.hash_password clear_password}") == hashed_password

You will find the detail of the LDAP authentication in app/models/auth_source_ldap.rb.

To test, find the method authenticate(login, password) and modify such as:

def authenticate(login, password)
  logger.warn "Trying LDAP authentication for '#{login}' with LDAP source " if logger

This is code for Redmine 2.3.3.
Please, note that I didn't run this code, there could be a typo. Revert these changes after testing. Also you may not want to perform any hacks like that in a production setup!

RE: ldap-auth fails, conn-tests in setup works - Added by Falk Schönfeld almost 11 years ago

Thank you Martin, now it works.

My fault was to think, an ldap-account is enought.

Redmine needs its users, which authenticate against ldap.

Switch on user-creation on-fhe-fly and every thing works fine.
