


Migrating from a Bitnami Stack to a Fresh install

Added by David Litz almost 11 years ago

Looking for current suggestions on migrating from a Bitnami Stack to a new fresh install.

I'm currently running the Bitnami Redmine Stack Version: 0.8.6-0

It currently uses http://redmine.mydomainname.local for access.

I would like to be able to keep the same internal / external IP address and sub-domain once its all said and done.

I have renamed the new server redmine2.mydomainname.local

I have installed a fresh CentOS release 6.4 with a basic Redmine up and running.

I've gone through most, if not all of the tutorials listed on this site and over at Bitnami...however I'm having issues as most, if not all are a bit dated.


Replies (7)

RE: Migrating from a Bitnami Stack to a Fresh install - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) almost 11 years ago

For the data, dump the DB and scp the files and repos and you should be fine.
What specific problems do you have with your fresh install?

RE: Migrating from a Bitnami Stack to a Fresh install - Added by David Litz almost 11 years ago

I was following this here

Of course changing the path and naming.

when I do the rack fails.

RE: Migrating from a Bitnami Stack to a Fresh install - Added by David Litz almost 11 years ago

I used this one to setup the new server

This is all functioning just fine with the default database.

RE: Migrating from a Bitnami Stack to a Fresh install - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) almost 11 years ago

David Litz wrote:

when I do the rack fails.

Could you paste the command and error?

RE: Migrating from a Bitnami Stack to a Fresh install - Added by David Litz almost 11 years ago


This is what I get

[root@redmine2 redmine]# rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=“production”
There was an error in your Gemfile, and Bundler cannot continue.
[root@redmine2 redmine]#

I also attached a text file that shows what appears on the web page http://redmine2.iss.local

RE: Migrating from a Bitnami Stack to a Fresh install - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) almost 11 years ago

Maybe your Gemfile is corrupted.
Download a new copy of it:

cd /var/www/redmine
rm Gemfile


RE: Migrating from a Bitnami Stack to a Fresh install - Added by David Litz almost 11 years ago

Did as you suggested...

Still getting the same error.
