


Cannot delete Activities in Enumerations

Added by Jarkko Auvinen almost 11 years ago

hi all,

new to Redmine and still figuring out things ;)

But, i have bumped into problem where i cannot delete any entries in Activities under Enumerations (Configuration).

i have tried few Revisions which are to be fix that issue BUT without luck. (r11854 and r11763).

I don't have any coding skills even thou i'm good to copy things ;)

If i'm about to find any solution to this - where to start ? Which files are directly connected to deletion of activities ?

All help appreciated!


Replies (2)

RE: Cannot delete Activities in Enumerations - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 11 years ago

Jarkko Auvinen wrote:

But, i have bumped into problem where i cannot delete any entries in Activities under Enumerations (Configuration).

What version of redmine are you using?
What's the error message you get?
Can you post an excerpt of your production.log?
I can't reproduce this...

RE: Cannot delete Activities in Enumerations - Added by Jarkko Auvinen over 10 years ago


actually it started to work now. I dont know why but i really don't care ;)

I have made some plugin tests where those have been installed and removed with DB Migration but dont know if that affects.

Thanks anyway ;)

