


Commit message refferences only on master branch

Added by Tim Schumacher over 10 years ago

Hi folks,

is it possible to refference a ticket in a commit, but only if the commit hits the master branch the commit will appear in the refferenced ticket?

I work heavy with feature branches and find it very annoying that stuff that is in development will appear in the tickets, only because I want to backup my stuff by pushing it to the main repository.

Thanks a lot


Replies (1)

RE: Commit message refferences only on master branch - Added by Ivan Cenov over 10 years ago

I have no enough experience with git so here is an example with Subversion. The standard trunk/branches/tags are discarded and 'feature', 'develop', 'release', 'hotfixes' and 'master' branches are created, all of them under the root '/' of the repository. Having these, you may register any of them as repositories with the project and dismiss these branches, which you don't want commits to appear for in tickets. This is possible because Redmine allows several repositories to be registered with one project.

This is just an idea, I don't know weather this scenario works with git.

