


add gitlab repository to redmine

Added by Miguel Borges over 11 years ago


I'm try add a gitlab repository to redmine, but when accessing the repository via redmine, this displays the following message:

"The entry or revision was not found in the repository."

My repo configuration:

redmine: 2.4.1
OS: ubuntu

Replies (1)

RE: add gitlab repository to redmine - Added by C Duv over 11 years ago

(Copied from and added here for future reference to whoever gets here)

If you are using Passenger module for Apache chances are it might be running under nobody user (and not www-data).
Check out with:

root@Development:~# ps auxf | grep -A 8 -e "/usr/sbin/apache2 -k star[t]" -e /usr/local/share/redmin[e]

and look for processes starting with Passenger and Rack: are they running under nobody (I had the exact same issue and fixed it now so I can't check what exact output you should have).

(Redmine is located at /usr/local/share/redmine in my setup).

And, in default setup, nobody cannot access to /home/git/repositories/:

root@Development:~# su nobody
sh-4.2$ ls /home/git/repositories/
ls: cannot access /home/git/repositories/: Permission denied

You have two options:

  • Makes path to "/home/git/repositories/mapb_1990/test.git/" available to all (chmod -R o=rx /home/git/repositories/mapb_1990/test.git/)
  • Change Passenger use and group in VirtualHost configuration by adding following lines to your VirtualHost file:
    <IfModule mod_passenger.c>
        PassengerUser www-data
        PassengerGroup www-data

    You might also want to run theses commands to make sure previously nobody:nogroup owned files are transfered to www-data:www-data:
    root@Development:~# find /usr/local/share/redmine -user nobody -exec chown www-data {} \;
    root@Development:~# find /usr/local/share/redmine -group nogroup -exec chgrp www-data {} \;

    And restart Apache:
    root@Development:~# service apache2 restart