Redmine upgrade recommended technology - advice needed
Added by Nikolay Baranov about 11 years ago
We need to perform upgrade from redmine1.3.0/ruby1.8.7/rails3.0.4 (production) to last stable version (probably redmine2.4.1/ruby1.9.3/rails3.2.13).
OS is Linux Ubuntu 11.4.
We have 1 server for tests and experiments.
How to do it with minimum possible problems? Are there any recommendations for order and technology such upgrade?
Any advice would greatly appreciated.
Replies (7)
RE: Redmine upgrade recommended technology - advice needed
Added by Anonymous about 11 years ago
You will find loads of installation and upgrade recommendations in the Wiki
I personally did the same (from 1.3 to 2.2.4): basically I did a parallel installation in /usr/share/redmine2.
The trick was to export the production database, import it (after finished installing the second redmine) in the new database and do the rake-db-migrate-stuff. Worked great and is no risk. I did not directly upgrade Production and would not recommend that. Database export/import is fast and means little offline-time to users.
After testing the new redmine, I disabled the previous redmine in apache-configuration and told users to use the new redmine2-link.
Hope this helps
RE: Redmine upgrade recommended technology - advice needed
Added by Nikolay Baranov about 11 years ago
Thanks a lot, Alex!
This is a good idea use such approach instead of upgrade, especially because we have additional server.
One question more - how to integrate SCM subversion to new server after redmine migration?
RE: Redmine upgrade recommended technology - advice needed
Added by Anonymous about 11 years ago
I'm sorry, I have no knowledge/experiences with SCM and can give no advice on that.
RE: Redmine upgrade recommended technology - advice needed
Added by Ivan Cenov about 11 years ago
Nikolay Baranov wrote:
Thanks a lot, Alex!
This is a good idea use such approach instead of upgrade, especially because we have additional server.
One question more - how to integrate SCM subversion to new server after redmine migration?Nikolay
I suppose that you have to make svn executable visible to the new Redmine.
RE: Redmine upgrade recommended technology - advice needed
Added by Anonymous about 11 years ago
did you succeed in upgrading? Could you share your experiences,
RE: Redmine upgrade recommended technology - advice needed
Added by Nikolay Baranov about 11 years ago
Hi Alex!
I installed new configuration and migrate Redmine DB succesfully. At this moment I have troubles with plugins migration and don't know how to do it, because probably it needed something changes in source code.
Great Guide with detailed instruction is
RE: Redmine upgrade recommended technology - advice needed
Added by Anonymous about 11 years ago
Hi Nikolay,
thanks for the update and the nice guide! With plugins the only advice I could give is to check compatibility with your new version of redmine before installing. Or install plugins one by one to identify which makes troubles.