


Want recommendation for workflow for release critical bugs

Added by Hans Hansen about 11 years ago

Hi all,

I would like to hear if anyone has a suggestion on how to track that some bugs and features are release critical and some are not.

Our workflow is as follows:

1) Development prepares a new release and sets the "Target version" field of relevant issues to point to the release.
2) Development creates a stable branch in the source code, builds the release, and hand it over to QA
3) QA use the issues for the releases (through "Target version") to generate new test cases. They then report Bug issues, also with the "Target version" set to the release in question.
4) Development fixes the bugs and close the issues.

However, in step 1, development need to track that some issues are release critical, and some are only nice-to-have and may or may not make it to the release.

More importantly, in step 3, QA need to decide if Bugs are release critical or not.

Of course we could add an extra field to Bug and Feature issues to be used only when relevant... Or we could make alternative version of the Bug and Feature tracker which has an extra field, but that seems cumbersome. Any thoughts or recommendations?



Replies (1)

RE: Want recommendation for workflow for release critical bugs - Added by sathya prakash about 11 years ago

Hey Hans,

I hope you have successfully installed.. can you please guide me for installing in windows.. bcoz wiki is not useful.. somebody seriously need to update it..

Workflow designing feature is available in REDMINE??


Sathya Prakash.
