


spent time - from/to

Added by Peter Chovanak over 10 years ago

Hi guys,

is there any possibility how to track/log time by adding the start time(From) and end time(To) of some activity e.g. on project or issue?
Would be very helpful - I cannot find the solution:(


Replies (5)

RE: spent time - from/to - Added by James H over 10 years ago

what do you mean possibility? what are you trying to do?
it already tracks time worked on an object by recording the time you recorded it and the length of time. it also records the month and week of the year, which i believe is for gannt chart use?

unless youre willing to code, i dont know what else you could do besides what is already available in redmine.
you can possibly pull this data out to another program or tool (like excel?) but you would have to know how to do that.

RE: spent time - from/to - Added by Peter Chovanak over 10 years ago

e.g. I have a bug and I want to record that i have been working on it from: 9:00am to 1:00pm not just record that I was working 4hours. This is the way how are people in our company used to do their timesheets.


RE: spent time - from/to - Added by James H over 10 years ago

the best you might be able to do is:
use the time they record the hours worked as the end time and subtract the number of hours from that time to get the start time.

and have everyone record their times as soon as they are done working on that particular piece of work.

unless someone else has better insight.

RE: spent time - from/to - Added by Peter Chovanak over 10 years ago

Thanks James,

unfortunately that is not the solution that i am looking for. E.g. sometimes people record some meetings that they have during the day at the end of the day. Sometimes even next day etc.
The request for recording start time and end time is from my point of view "must have".


RE: spent time - from/to - Added by James H over 10 years ago

I would tend to agree with you. The current method is a crippled version of keeping track of time.
Redmine sacrifices a few in terms of Features and Flexibility while being simpler for the user and admin (and faster/easier to develop?).
A decently coded foundation using start and end times could easily accommodate both methods of time entry (start & end times vs. number of hours logged) and could give the user more flexibility in the way they use the program (if the option is programmed in). It would probably work a lot better with the Gannt chart as well.
Maybe you'll want to try putting it up as a feature request?

Having exact start and end times for all of your time entries would be crucial for purposes of scheduling, like when using a Gannt chart, or for "security" purposes, i.e. to keep track of who was doing what at exactly what time (in case something happens). Most other cases, I'd say you do not really need that much resolution for your data (minutes/seconds vs. days) so try to judge why you might need this feature and maybe you might be able to do without it?
