


Gott some problem with mail service.

Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago

Ett fel inträffade när mail skickades (553-5.1.2 We weren't able to find the recipient domain. Please check for any )

I have tried to find a solution to this piece by following the number of different guides.
how do I get the same answer..

Replies (11)

RE: Gott some problem with mail service. - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

Hello Tobias,

Could you show us the configuration you are using please?


RE: Gott some problem with mail service. - Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago

default: # Outgoing emails configuration (see examples above)
delivery_method: :smtp
enable_starttls_auto: true
port: 587
authentication: :login
user_name: ""
password: "********"

RE: Gott some problem with mail service. - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

Try as specified in the wiki with:

authentication: :plain

Check also the indentation of your YAML file as the indentation of what you pasted above is incorrect.
You can also try to send an email to your test address with that Gmail account using
I've a Redmine install also using Gmail. If it's still not working I'll retrieve its config file to compare it to yours.

RE: Gott some problem with mail service. - Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago

ok thx for the help..

I dont get it. trying to do so little damage to the file as possible.

in the settings on redmine page i have my own gmail adress on that account.

settings/mailnotification/delivery adress.

i have change to authentication: :plain

but that diden to anyting diferent. :(

i have copy settings from exempel file

do i need to check firewall prehaps?

RE: Gott some problem with mail service. - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

But did you check your recipient email?
As the error suggests, if the email address of your admin user is , it's normal that email delivery fails.

RE: Gott some problem with mail service. - Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago

now i have try to create a new account from google.

fill in the file configuration.yml

# default configuration options for all environments
  # Outgoing emails configuration (see examples above)
    delivery_method: :smtp
      enable_starttls_auto: true
      address: "" 
      port: 587
      domain: "" 
      authentication: :plain  *<- try bothe plain and login*
      user_name: "*my gmail adress*" 
      password: "*password to account*" 
  # Absolute path to the directory where attachments are stored.

i get the same fale messege :S

""" if the email address of your admin user is """" how can i do this different?
i dont se any information about this when i serche.

sorry for bad englich.

//bigg fan of the system.

RE: Gott some problem with mail service. - Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago

Martin Denizet wrote:

But did you check your recipient email?
As the error suggests, if the email address of your admin user is , it's normal that email delivery fails.

Yes i have try to check the mail-adresses that is in the system but nothing get to inbox.

RE: Gott some problem with mail service. - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

Ok, I'll try it.
It could be related to the recent change in Google policy to accept only HTTPS connection for new Gmail accounts.

RE: Gott some problem with mail service. - Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago


My mail starting to working today. :S

but it sems to be some worng her.
this image is from my account that sending from redmine.

its dont display any "to" e-mail adresses.

My colleague got mail today but i get no one :(

i am not using the same account. :S

RE: Gott some problem with mail service. - Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago

Now i got this working

Ett fel inträffade när mail skickades (553-5.1.2 We weren't able to find the recipient domain. Please check for any )

coming becost i have wrote my own mail in the system wrong :(

sorry for that. haha.

my own falt.. thats always users falt.

RE: Gott some problem with mail service. - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

That what I meant by that:

Martin Denizet wrote:

But did you check your recipient email?
As the error suggests, if the email address of your admin user is , it's normal that email delivery fails.

Good to know your problem is solved!
