


Changed server root password and now can't access Redmine

Added by Marc Gaudreau about 10 years ago

First of all, I am not the person who set up this installation and I'm trying to fix it. The person who did is not available. I have some experience with Linux but am not an expert and I know very little about Ruby or Rails.

The situation is my manager changed the root password on the server that Redmine is installed on and ever since, can't access it via the web. It doesn't appear like the web server is running as netstat shows nothing listening on port 3000. Here's my environment:

Rails version 3.2.6
Linux - not sure what flavor
Output of RAILS_ENV=YOUR_ENVIRONMENT script/about
About your application's environment
Ruby version 1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version 1.4.2
Rack version 1.1.3
Rails version 2.3.14
Active Record version 2.3.14
Active Resource version 2.3.14
Action Mailer version 2.3.14
Active Support version 2.3.14
Edge Rails revision unknown
Application root /home/mgisol/public_html/redmine2
Environment production
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 20110902000000

I can't tell if Redmine is using Apache or not. And searching the web and the forums and trying numerous actions have not fixed the issue.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Replies (1)

RE: Changed server root password and now can't access Redmine - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 10 years ago

Hi Marc,

Do you please have logs for us to look at?

