


Redmine on Windows XP

Added by Bruno Ribeiro about 10 years ago


I bought a VPS and I installed the Windows XP there. I would like to install the last version (or the last Windows XP supported version of Redmine) on my VPS but it happens that the Windows tutorials are very old...

Anyone can help me, please?

Replies (3)

RE: Redmine on Windows XP - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 10 years ago

Hi Bruno,
That's sounds like a bad idea to expose a Windows XP open to the internet. If you're really going to do that, you seriously get informed about the risks. You could start here:
I'd advise you to rather get your VPS to run linux.
To mention it, Digital Ocean and Bitnami offer pre-installed Redmine VPS, starting 5USD a month.

RE: Redmine on Windows XP - Added by Bruno Ribeiro about 10 years ago

Thanks. I've installed the Windows Server 2008 R2.
I have followed your suggestion, and downloaded the Redmine for Windows on the Bitnami, in this page:

As I understood, this automatically installs redmine. I can access the redmine at localhost/redmine, but when I try to access it from other computer (with the VPS IP) it doesn't work, the page doesn't load.

Can you help me?

RE: Redmine on Windows XP - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 10 years ago

Check your windows firewall. You should allow inbound connections for port 8080 from the public network.
