


Git branches 'graph' in Redmine keeps going to the 'right'?

Added by Eric Smith about 10 years ago

I use Redmine and have Git connected to it. I make a branch for each ticket and merge when done. Then I cleanup the branches.

But, it looks like I am doing something wrong. See this image. Notice how the 'curves' just keep going to the right? I figured after a merge, they would come back to the far left.

Here are my steps.

  • 1. git checkout -b 123_new_feature;
  • 2. Make the change.
  • 3. git commit -am "Ref #123 Made changes.";
  • 4. git push origin 123_new_feature;
  • 5. git checkout master;
  • 6. git merge 123_new_feature;
  • 7. git push origin master;
  • 8. git branch -d 123_new_feature;
  • 9. git push origin :123_new_feature;

What am I doing wrong?


Replies (1)

RE: Git branches 'graph' in Redmine keeps going to the 'right'? - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 10 years ago

Hi Eric,
Seems correct to me. I suggest you something that really got me to work cleanly and consistently with Git: Gitflow
It helps you to implement easy and proper branching in Git
In Gitflow it would look like:

git flow feature start 123_new_feature
git commit -am "Ref #123 Made changes.";
git flow feature publish 123_new_feature # Very optional for a single commit feature
git flow feature finish 123_new_feature # Merge the Feature in develop
git flow release start '0.1.123' #Release staging
git commit -am "version bump, readme update" 
git flow release finish '0.1.123' #merge release into master and develop
git push
git push --tags

