


Redmine not working on suburl

Added by tdelob horst almost 10 years ago

Hello All,

I am trying to use redmine on a subURL.
I am still testing the application so I run WEBRICK Server.

In the environement.rb I added :
Redmine::Utils::relative_url_root = "/redmine"

In my apache httpd.conf I added :

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName redmine

&lt;Proxy *&gt;
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyPass        /redmine  http://MYPRIVATEIP:3000/
ProxyPassReverse /redmine http://MYPRIVATEIP:3000/


When I launch redmine from my browser with the address :
http://MYPRIVATEIP/redmine => everything is fine the pages is ok even the CSS.

But the problem is that all the links on this page are not working, they are like :
http://MYRPIVATEIP/projects instead of http://MYPRIVATEIP/redmine/projects

ruby 2.1.2
rails 3.2.17

Server version: Apache/2.2.14 (Unix)
Server built: Dec 3 2009 11:16:31

OS : Fedora 10*

I have been looking for days to solve this problem but cannot find any working solution, can you please help me ?

Replies (3)

RE: Redmine not working on suburl - Added by tdelob horst almost 10 years ago


Does anyone has a solution for this problem, this problem is very urgent ?

With best regards;

RE: Redmine not working on suburl - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 10 years ago

AFAIK you don't need to change anything if you use the builtin webrick server.
That said, there are tons of installation instructions on the wiki and 3rd party websites. Try this: Install_Redmine_25x_on_Centos_65_complete

RE: Redmine not working on suburl - Added by tdelob horst almost 10 years ago


Thanks for your answer.
I have already follow up this documentation and a lot of other stuff over the internet and successfully configured Redmine except for one specific problem for which I have open this treat a suburl problem.
My webrick server is working my homepage is also working with the SUBURL, the problem is only visible for the all the links on my homepage which are not working the link target to http://MYRPIVATEIP/projects insteat of http://MYRPIVATEIP/redmine/projects

With best regards,
