


How to activate or where to find the redmine log?

Added by Gabriel ITGabs almost 10 years ago

I tried to find a redmine log, but I can find nothing that looks like a log
find /home/redmine/ -name '*log*' -exec ls -al {} \; | grep Aug

how can I find that log, what is the name?

I saw a production log but older than one year

I am trying to find the cause of these problems


Replies (3)

RE: How to activate or where to find the redmine log? - Added by Anonymous almost 10 years ago

hi Gabriel,

logs can be found in <your installation directory>/log, e.g.:

root@XXXXX:/usr/share/redmine2/log# ls -lrt
total 11652
-rwxr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data       36 Oct 14  2013
-rwxr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data      107 Oct 21  2013 development.log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data 11923343 Aug 25 12:21 production.log
root@XXXXX:/usr/share/redmine2/log# tail -f production.log



RE: How to activate or where to find the redmine log? - Added by Gabriel ITGabs almost 10 years ago

Thanks Alex,

I used Redmine for more than 2 year without write access in that log file, I thought was a installation log file :/

Do you have a link about setting permissions/security for Redmine?

