


New Issue Status not showing

Added by Karen Daniels over 10 years ago

I've added a new Issue status and have done everything that I've seen suggested in various forums. I unchecked "Only display statuses that are used by this tracker". Previous statuses that I've added are visible, and were added following the same process via Workflow.
I've even re-ordered all my Issue Statuses but nothing makes a difference.
I have 8 statuses and have been told there is no limitation on the number if statuses.

We run Redmine 1.0.1.stable (SQLite) on a Linux system, if that in any way helps to assist in resolving my problem.

Replies (6)

RE: New Issue Status not showing - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 10 years ago

We run Redmine 1.0.1.stable (SQLite)

Are you sure it's 1.0.1? That is more than 4 (!!) years old, no longer supported and has very (!) nasty security issues, see Security_Advisories

RE: New Issue Status not showing - Added by Karen Daniels over 10 years ago

Yes I'm sure.

Image deleted by moderator.

RE: New Issue Status not showing - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 10 years ago

Hell, the image showed your URL and - OMG - it's public!

Shut down that machine immediately and update the stack (ruby, tails, redmine, ..), you're running a very, very, extremely high risk of being hacked.

And, sorry, but no support for versions that old.

RE: New Issue Status not showing - Added by Karen Daniels over 10 years ago

One more question, based on your comments regarding the version we're running on, we're planning to upgrade. How compatible are the databases? iow is a simple case of backing up the existing entries and being able to import them into a newer Redmine version?

RE: New Issue Status not showing - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 10 years ago

Database upgrade should work but you should always have a backup in case there's a problem. Your version is very very old and we cannot garantee there won't be any problem during the upgrade. So take a backup before ;)

Just so you know, there's a detailed upgrade procedure here: RedmineUpgrade (and it includes a "backup" step ;-)). Note that plugin upgrades are not guaranteed either from 1.x, they generally break and if you have some, you should follow upgrade procedures from their respective authors.

RE: New Issue Status not showing - Added by Mischa The Evil over 10 years ago

FWIW: I wrote down some things to consider in RE: Upgrade help.
