


Email notifications not sending for just 1 project

Added by Jim Olding almost 10 years ago

I've inherited an existing Redmine setup, and I'm not entirely familiar with it, so apologies if this is something simple.

I've added a new project, which monitors a particular email address, and creates tickets accordingly. Ticket creation works fine. However, when a ticket is created, no email notification is sent to anyone associated with the project.

There is another project set up already, in which email notifications work properly. I tried to replicate all the settings from that project, but it didn't seem to help.

Redmine version 2.2.4.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3 (x86_64-linux)
Rails version 3.2.13
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Redmine plugins:
clipboard_image_paste 1.7
redmine_auto_watch 1.0.0
redmine_auto_watchers 0.3.0
redmine_backlogs v1.0.3
redmine_code_review 0.6.3
redmine_contacts 3.2.17
redmine_contacts_helpdesk 2.2.11
redmine_create_wiki_page 0.1
redmine_custom_workflows 0.0.4
redmine_email_notification_content_filter 0.0.2
redmine_issue_checklist 2.0.5
redmine_mailwrapper 0.1.2
redmine_people 0.1.6
redmine_theme_changer 0.1.0
redmine_wiki_extensions 0.6.4
wiking 0.0.4

Replies (1)

RE: Email notifications not sending for just 1 project - Added by Adnan Topçu almost 10 years ago

Did you check user notification options in user profile page? User May exclude that project ?
